Board of Trustees


The Berkshire Community College (BCC) Board of Trustees is composed of area residents appointed to the board by the governor of Massachusetts. Some major board functions include reviewing and approving the college's programs and policies, various faculty and staff appointments, and tuition and fees not mandated by the state.

BCC Board of Trustees (BOT)

Members, Agenda, Bylaws, Meetings and Minutes

  • Members
    Board Member and Term Committees
    Julia Bowen
    2017-2021 | 2021-2026
    Executive Committee, Chair
    Student Success Committee, ex-officio
    Finance and Audit Committee, ex-officio
    Governance Committee, ex-officio
    Melissa Myers
    Vice Chair | Elected Alumni Representative
    2019-2024 | 2024-2029
    Student Success Committee, Chair
    Executive Committee
    Student Trustee
    Student Success Committee
    Jason Cuyler

    Finance and Audit Committee                            Student Success Committee

    Danielle Gonzalez
    2021-2024 | 2024-2029
    Governance Committee, Chair
    Executive Committee
    Lorelei Kiely
    2017-2022 | 2022-2027
    Foundation Board
    Governance Committee
    Peter Mirante
    2015-2020 | 2020-2025
    Finance and Audit Committee, Chair
    Executive Committee
    Michele M. Rivers Murphy
    Student Success Committee
    Catheryn Chacon Ortega
    Appointed Alumni Representative
    2019-2024 | 2024-2029
    Finance and Audit Committee
    Governance Committee
    Jennifer Vrabel
    2022-2024 | 2024-2029
    Student Success Committee
    Carlo Zaffanella
    2017-2021 | 2021-2026
    Executive Committee
    Ellen Kennedy
    President, Berkshire Community College
    The President of the College is an ex-officio member of each standing committee
  • Agenda


    please contact for link

    Tuesday. October 8, 2024
    Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting
    December 3, 2024

    BCC Trustee Meeting - October 8, 2024

    1. Call to Order & Welcome
    2. Approval of Minutes from August 2024 Meeting
    3. President's Report
    4. Foundation Board Trustee Report
    5. Student Trustee Report
    6. Alumni Trustee Report
    7. Subcommittee Reports
      1. Finance & Audit
      2. Student Success
      3. Goverance & Nominating
      4. Executive 
    8. Administrative Actions
      1. Personnel Actions
    9. Other Business
      1. Old
      2. New
    10. Adjournment

    posted: October 2, 2024 at 10:50 a.m.

  • Bylaws


    The College shall be governed by a Board of Trustees ("Board") and a chief executive officer ("President") selected by the Board of Trustees with the approval of the Board of Higher Education. The principal place of operation for the Board and the President shall be at the campus on West Street in the City of Pittsfield, County of Berkshire, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.



    Section 1. Composition

    1. The composition, functions, responsibilities, duties, powers, and authorities of the Board of Trustees shall be as provided by the General Laws of Massachusetts and such Acts of the General Court of Massachusetts as are in effect from time to time.
    2. The Board of Trustees shall consist of eleven (11) members, ten (10) of which shall be appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, including one (1) of whom shall be an alumnus of the College; and one (1) of whom shall be elected thereto by the Alumni Association. One member of the Board shall be a full-time undergraduate student. The student member shall be elected by the student body annually no later than May 15.
    3. Trustees appointed by the Governor shall normally serve for five year terms, and shall be staggered in their appointment. Trustees may be appointed for two consecutive terms.
    4. A Student Trustee's term commences on July 1 following their election and terminates on June 30 of the following year.

    Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities

    1. Adopt and periodically review a College Mission Statement, in collaboration with the Board of Higher Education, which clarifies the basic educational goals and responsibilities of the College to the community it serves.
    2. Consult with the President to formulate policies on matters relating to long-range planning for the College.
    3. Consult with the President to formulate policies on matters relating to the College's organizational structure.
    4. Consult with the President and take action on academic and programmatic initiatives. Review existing academic programs and policies and consider recommendations for new or expanded programs or elimination of programs.
    5. Receive and approve all monthly/quarterly fiscal reports and engage an annual audit of the finances of the College.
    6. Cause to be prepared and submitted to the Board of Higher Education estimates of maintenance, capital outlay budgets and proposed real property acquisition.
    7. Upon recommendation of the President and approval of the Board, the President may expend funds within the various College Trust Funds, and transfer and expend funds among and within subsidiary account as allocated to the College through the budgetary appropriation process.
    8. Establish all fees and establish Continuing Education tuition at the College, upon recommendation of the President and approval of the Board by a roll-call vote.
    9. Annually evaluate the performance of the President and make appropriate recommendations regarding the President's appointment and compensation to the Board of Higher Education.
    10. Delegate to the President, as the education and administrative head of the College, the authority to exercise general supervision over all affairs of the College subject to and in accordance with the Board's delegation of authority and the College's Mission Statement and Strategic Plan. In order for the Board to meet its governance, policy-making and statutory responsibilities, the President shall keep the Board informed of all relevant matters and prepare a report to be submitted to the Board at its Board meetings.

    Section 3. Officers of the Board of Trustees

    The Board shall have the following officers: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary. Each officer shall perform the duties of the office and such other functions as designated by the Board pursuant to these By-Laws.

    The Chairperson shall be appointed by the Governor. The Vice Chairperson shall be elected, as prescribed by these By-Laws, by the Trustees at their annual meeting. The Vice Chairperson shall be elected by a majority of the members of the Board. The Vice Chairperson's term shall be for a period of one year, beginning at the Annual Meeting, and shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting and until his/her respective successor is elected.

    1. The President or his or her designee shall serve as Secretary of the Board.
    2. The Vice Chairperson may be removed from office by a majority vote of the members of the Board.
    3. In the event that the Vice Chairperson position becomes vacant prior to the annual meeting, the position shall be filled at the next regular Board meeting as prescribed by these By-Laws.

    A. Duties of Officers

    1. The Chairperson shall have the following duties:
      1. To preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws.
      2. To call special meetings of the Board of Trustees.
      3. To serve as a member, ex officio, of all committees of the Board.
      4. To appoint members and chairpersons of committees of the Board.
      5. To sign all legal documents as authorized by the Board.
      6. To serve as the Board's official spokesperson on individual matters of Board business subject to the approval of the Board by a majority vote.
      7. To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, authority, or by action of the Board.
    2. The Vice-Chairperson's shall have the following duties:
      1. To preside over Board meetings in the absence of the Chairperson and as otherwise indicated in accordance with these Bylaws.
      2. To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, authority, or by action of the Board.
    3. The President acting as Secretary shall have the following duties:
      1. To notify members of the Board of all meetings and prepare and distribute meeting materials and agendas. To provide written public notice of all regular, subcommittee and special meetings of the Board in compliance with state law, including posting all such meetings outside the door of the President's office and on the College's website and academic and activity calendar.
      2. To record attendance of all present at all regular and special meetings.
      3. To record and preserve the official minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees at all regular and special meetings thereof.
      4. To preserve all documents, papers, and records, as determined by the Board, and as required by state law, to be part of the Board's official records. Said official records shall be maintained in the College President's office and or the College library.
      5. To conduct correspondence as directed by the Board of Trustees and to certify official documents and proceedings.
      6. To perform duties, not inconsistent with those prescribed by these bylaws, which the Board of Trustees or the President of the College may, from time to time, direct.

    B. Compensation

    No member of the Board shall receive compensation for any services rendered. Appropriate expenses of Trustees incurred in the performance of their duties and responsibilities will be reimbursed when the expenses are properly documented and/or approved by the Chairperson of the Board and the President.



    The Board shall transact all business within its jurisdiction at official meetings of the Board. All Board meetings and subcommittee meetings shall be conducted in conformity with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Open Meeting Law ("OML"). A meeting is defined as deliberation of a public body with respect to any matter within the body's jurisdiction. Deliberation occurs when there is either oral or written communication between or among a quorum of the Board on any public business within its jurisdiction.

    Section 1. Annual Meeting

    The Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees shall normally be in June.

    Section 2. Regular Meetings

    Regular meetings of the Board will be held according to a schedule and at a location established by the Chairperson in consultation with Board members and the President. There shall be no fewer than seven (7) regular meetings per academic year. According to state law, if a Trustee is absent from four (4) regular meetings in any academic year, exclusive of July and August, that person's membership on the Board shall terminate and a vacancy shall be deemed to exist. The Chairperson shall forthwith notify the Governor when any vacancy (other than the Student Trustee) occurs.

    Section 3. Special or Emergency Meetings

    Such meetings may be held at any time or place within the Commonwealth when called by the Chairperson or the President or by (3) Trustees, in writing, given to the Secretary specifying the purpose(s) of said meeting. Written notice to Board members of such meeting shall state the time, place and purpose(s) for which it has been called. Public notice must be posted for all Special or Emergency Meetings.

    Section 4. Adjourned Meetings

    Adjourned meetings may be held as the business of the Board requires. Public notice of the continuation of an adjourned meeting must be posted unless circumstances require the subsequent meeting to be held as an emergency meeting. Only items on the agenda of the meeting adjourned may be deliberated and acted upon when the adjourned meeting is resumed.

    Section 5. Executive Sessions

    Executive sessions of the Board are those meetings which are closed to the public in accordance with state law. An executive session may be held if a quorum of the Board has first met in open session and a majority of the members have so voted based on a recorded, roll-call vote. The Chairperson must state the purpose for the executive session and whether the Board intends to re-convene in open session following the executive session. Minutes shall be maintained in an executive session and shall include all votes taken.

    Section 6. Notice of Meetings of the Board of Trustees

    Notice of the Annual Meeting, each Regular Meeting, and any Special or Emergency Meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be given in writing (including email) to each Trustee at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, which shall set forth the time and place of the meeting as well as the reasonably anticipated topics to be discussed.

    Section 7. Agenda

    A Trustee wishing to add an item to an agenda must notify the President at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of the meeting. The agenda for each Regular Meeting of the Board shall be provided to each Trustee at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date fixed for the meeting. The Board may elect to deliberate over an agenda item at its next regularly scheduled meeting or, by a majority vote, reject the item for deliberation or direct a sub-committee of the Board to consider the item.

    Section 8. Quorum

    A quorum exists when there is a simple majority of Board members physically present at a meeting. No action is valid unless voted on at a meeting of the Board, having constituted a quorum, by at least a majority vote of the members of the Board present at such a meeting.

    Section 9. Conduct of Business

    Unless otherwise specified, the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Board insofar as the rules are compatible with these By-Laws and the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

    Unless otherwise determined by the Chairperson, business at regular meetings of the Board will generally include, but is not limited to: approval of minutes, President's report, Student Trustee report, committee reports, recommended administrative actions and other business.

    Section 10. Board Meeting Minutes

    1. The Board shall create and maintain accurate minutes of all meetings, including subcommittee meetings and executive sessions. The minutes of all meetings are public record and shall be made available upon request by any person in accordance with state law.
    2. Minutes shall include a meeting's date, time and place, the members present, absent or participating remotely, a summary of the discussions on each subject, a list of documents and other exhibits used at the meeting, the decisions made and the actions taken at each meeting, including a record of all votes.
    3. The minutes of a Board meeting, whether approved or in draft form, shall be disclosed to any person upon request in accordance with state law.
      Documents and other exhibits, such as photographs, recordings or maps, utilized by the Board during a meeting shall, along with the minutes, be part of the official record of the meeting. Minutes shall be maintained in an executive session, but may be withheld from disclosure to the public in their entirety as long as publication may defeat the lawful purposes of the executive session, but no longer.
    4. The Board's meeting minutes shall be prepared by the Secretary and delivered to Board members at least 48 hours before the next regular meeting.
    5. Board meeting minutes shall be approved by the Board and signed by the Chairperson and the Secretary.
    6. Minutes of all Board meetings shall be maintained by the President or his/her designee in a designated location on campus.

    Section 11. Citizen Participation

    Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be open to members of the public, except when the Board is in executive session in accordance with state law.

    In order that the business of the College may be conducted in an orderly and deliberative fashion, the Board sets forth the following procedures for citizens desiring to appear before the Board. The Board reserves the right to amend and/or waive any or all of these procedures by majority vote of Trustees present.

    A citizen who wishes to address the Board on a meeting agenda item shall submit a written request to the Chairperson or the President at least twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled meeting.

    The Chairperson shall normally allot a visitor not more than five (5) minutes unless the time is increased or decreased by a majority vote of the Board.

    Section 12. Remote Participation of the Trustees

    Remote participation of trustees shall follow the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law relative to remote participation, 940 CMR 29.10 under the following provisions:

    1. The Chairperson and Secretary are notified in writing four (4) days in advance of a Trustee's need to participate remotely due to any of the factors listed in 940 CMR 29.10 making physical attendance unreasonably difficult.
    2. A Trustee may participate remotely up to two (2) times per year.
    3. Any form of media relative to 940 CMR 29.10 is acceptable for remote participation, so long as the remote participant and all persons present at the meeting location are clearly audible to each other.



    Section 1. Practice of the Board of Trustees

    The practice of the Board of Trustees, in general, shall be to act upon matters only after consideration and recommendation by a committee of the Board of Trustees or the President of the College. However, any Trustee may present matters to the Board for consideration without prior reference to a committee.

    Section 2. Standing Committees

    The Board may establish Standing Committees, which may include, but are not limited to: Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Human Resources Committee, Academic Planning Committee and/or Nominating Committee. The Executive Committee will consist of the Board Chairperson (Chair of Executive Committee), Vice Chair, and Chairs of the Finance, Human Resources and Academic Planning Committees.

    Section 3. Members of Standing Committees

    Each standing committee shall have no less than three (3) and no more than five (5) members appointed by the Chairperson. The Chair of a standing committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Board and the President of the College shall be members of each standing committee, ex officio.

    Section 4. Meetings of Standing Committees

    Meetings of standing committees may be held at any time and at any place when called by the Chairperson of the Committee, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, the President of the College, or at least two members of the committee. Committee meetings shall be posted in accordance with the OML and minutes shall be maintained. A quorum of committee members (excluding ex officio members) is required in order for the Committee to transact Board business.

    Section 5. Nominating Committee

    The nominating committee shall survey the board for interested candidates for Vice-Chairperson. Trustees interested in serving in this position should notify the nominating committee in writing. Trustees serving on the nominating committee shall be ineligible for nomination as Vice Chairperson. The nominating committee shall establish its committee guidelines and rules and shall present a slate of candidates to the Board prior to the annual meeting. At its annual meeting each year, the Board shall elect a Vice-Chairperson.

    Section 6. Ad Hoc Committees

    The Board shall authorize such ad hoc committees as it deems necessary. An ad hoc committee shall report recommendations to the Board for appropriate action and shall be dissolved when its report is received by the Board.



    Section 1. Number

    The Officers of the College shall be a President and such other subordinate Officers as the Trustees may from time to time, by vote, deem appropriate.

    Section 2. Selection, Term and Removal of President

    In accordance with state law, the Board shall at its pleasure and with the approval of the Board of Higher Education appoint and remove the President of its institution. The President's term of appointment shall be for an indefinite term.

    Section 3. Duties of the President

    The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the College. S/he shall establish and/or administer all rules and policies for the governance of the College as promulgated by the Board. S/he shall have general power to manage and direct the affairs of the College and to perform such duties as are incident to the office or shall otherwise be required of him/her by the Trustees.

    The President shall have the power to sign and execute, in the name of the College, all contracts, or other legal instruments authorized by the Trustees, and to affix the seal of the College to any instrument requiring the same.

    In accordance with a delegation of authority from the Board, the President shall have the power to take all personnel actions with respect to all employees at the College. Personnel actions taken by the President will be reported to the Board as required by the Board.

    The President shall report to the Board as often as required by the Board information concerning the affairs of the College and recommend for their consideration such measures as s/he shall judge necessary or desirable.



    Any Trustee may resign from the Board by delivering a written letter of resignation to the Governor of the Commonwealth and the Chairperson.

    A Trustee may be disciplined by the Board, up to and including censure, for misconduct by such Trustee in his or her capacity as a Board member. Discipline may be imposed upon a majority vote of those Trustees present at a regularly scheduled meeting or special meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present. In the case of serious misconduct or upon indictment or conviction of a felony, the Board may also vote to recommend to the Governor the suspension or removal of the Trustee from the Board. In those cases where the Board is contemplating discipline of a Trustee or a recommendation for his/her suspension or removal, the Board shall comply with the following procedures. A Trustee shall be given at least fifteen (15) days prior written notice of a meeting of the Board at which discipline or a recommendation for suspension or removal will be discussed. The written notice shall include a statement setting forth the allegations of misconduct. At the meeting, the Trustee shall be given an opportunity to address the allegations presented and provide an explanation for his/her conduct. The Trustee is permitted to have a representative accompany him/her during the meeting, although the representative may not actively participate in the meeting other than to advise the Trustee. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Board shall, by majority vote, decide whether to discipline and/or recommend the suspension or removal of the Trustee. The decision of the Board shall be final to the extent permitted by applicable law.



    These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a simple majority vote of the members of the Board, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular Board meeting.

    VOTED, March 17, 1981

    AMENDED, April 26, 1983

    AMENDED, April 22, 2008

    AMENDED, Feb. 25, 2014

  • Meetings
    July 2024 - June 2025
    • Tuesday, August 27, 2024
    • Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024
    • Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2024
    • Friday, Jan. 10, 2025 (retreat)
    • Tuesday, March 25, 2025
    • Tuesday, April 29, 2025
    • Tuesday, June 17, 2025 (Annual and Regular Meeting)

    All meetings will be held at 4:30 p.m. unless otherwise stated on agenda.

  • Minutes

    Regular meetings of the Board will be held according to a schedule and at a location established by the Chairperson in consultation with Board members and the President.

    FY 2025 2025 Annual Meeting June 2025 No Meeting May 2025 April 2025 March 2025 No meeting February 2025 No Meeting January 2025 December 2024 No Meeting November 2024 October 2024 No Meeting September 2024 August 2024
    FY 2024 2024 Annual Meeting June 2024 No Meeting May 2024 April 2024 March 2024 No meeting February 2024 No Meeting January 2024 December 2023 No Meeting November 2023 October 2023 September 2023 No Meeting Aug 2023
    FY 2023 2023 Annual Meeting June 2023 No meeting May 2023 April 2023 March 2023 No meeting February 2023 No meeting January 2023 No meeting December 2022 November 2022 October 2022 No meeting September 2022 August 2022
    FY 2022 2022 Annual Meeting June 2022 No meeting May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 No meeting February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 No meeting November 2021 October 2021 No meeting September 2020 August 2021
    FY 2021 2021 Annual Meeting June 2021 No meeting May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 No meeting February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 No meeting November 2020 October 2020 No meeting September 2020 August 2020
    FY 2020 2020 Annual Meeting June 2020 No meeting May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 No meeting February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 cancelled No meeting November 2019 October 2019 No meeting September 2019 August 2019
    FY 2019 2019 Annual Meeting July 2019 No meeting May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 No meeting February 2019 January 2019 No meeting December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 No meeting September 2018 August 2018
    FY 2018 2018 Annual Meeting June 2018 No meeting May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 No meeting February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 No meeting November 2017 October 2017 No meeting September 2017 August 2017
    FY 2017 2017 Annual Meeting July 2017 May 2017 No meeting April 2017 March 2017 No meeting February 2017 January 2017 No meeting December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 No meeting September 2016 August 2016
    FY 2016 2016 Annual Meeting June 2016 No meeting May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 No meeting February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 No meeting November 2015 October 2015 No meeting September 2015 August 2015
    FY 2015 2015 Annual Meeting June 2015 No meeting May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 moved to February December 2014 No meeting November 2014 October 2014 No meeting September 2014 August 2014
    FY 2014 2014 Annual Meeting June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 No meeting November 2013 October 2013 No meeting September 2013 Aug. 2013