Parking Rules and Regulations

Main Campus Parking

Parking on BCC's main campus is on a first-come, first-served basis. To avoid parking problems, students are encouraged to arrive on-campus at least 10 minutes before their classes start.

To provide safe and easy access to buildings for emergencies, parking regulations are strictly enforced. On-campus parking areas are assigned as follows:

  • Handicapped sections are in the south and north lots, along East Road, and along the "Fire Road." Anyone who parks in these areas must display a state issued handicap placard or plate.
  • Student Parking is between painted lines in north, central, and south lots in areas not designated for faculty/staff or handicapped persons.
  • Faculty/Staff Parking is along "East Road" and designated areas in north, central, and south lots, and on the "Fire Road." Vehicles must display faculty/staff stickers which are available through the Security Office.
  • Visitor Parking spaces on campus are limited to a specified amount of time (90 minutes) and intended for short term parking only. These spaces are not for faculty, staff, or students at any time.
  • Visitor Circle is a standing zone and is designated for drop off and pick up only.
  • Temporary Special Permit Parkingis parking for students, faculty and staff who require special parking arrangements due to an accident or injury, such as a broken leg. These permits are granted for a maximum 30 days. If you need special parking arrangements for longer than 30 days you will need to apply for a MA State temporary disabled parking placard through the RMV. For a complete copy of the policy or information in obtaining a permit, please contact the Security Office located in A123 in the Susan B. Anthony Annex Building at (413-236-1010).

Unpaid fines are turned over to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and result in the inability of the violator to renew his/her driver's license and/or car registration. BCC also reserves the right to hold registration, grades, transcripts, and graduation until all fines are paid.

Parking Regulations

Penalties established pursuant to Chapter 75 Section 32a, General Laws of the Commonwealth. Parking in the following manners shall constitute illegal parking.

  1. Upon any part of any highway in such manner as to impede removal or plowing of snow and ice.
  2. Upon any sidewalk.
  3. Upon any highway within twenty (20) feet of any intersecting way, except alleys.
  4. Within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant.
  5. By other than a handicapped person in any HANDICAPPED PARKING space.
  6. In front of any driveway.
  7. So as to obstruct traffic.
  8. In front of any barricade erected (temporarily or permanently) to close a way to vehicular traffic.
  9. Taking up 2 parking spaces will be considered a violation.
  10. On land, except a designated parking lot, not designated for vehicular traffic such as walks, lawns, and open fields.
  11. In front of a gateway or entrance to an athletic field or other field or open area.
  12. Upon any way that is an entrance to a parking area.
  13. In any Service Zone except while actually engaged in loading and unloading.
  14. Adjacent to any building in such a manner as to obstruct an exit or entrance thereto.
  15. In any Bus Stop.
  16. In any area designated as "Reserved for Fire, Police, Ambulance, or other emergency vehicle".
  17. By other than a bona fide visitor in any parking lot, area, stall, or space designated as VISITOR PARKING.
  18. Except for official vehicles, in any parking area, stall, or space designated as "AUTHORIZED VEHICLES ONLY", "RESERVED PARKING ONLY", or for "SPECIAL PERMIT PARKING".
  19. In any area designated NO PARKING
  20. In wrong direction.

  21. Overtime in restricted area

Parking Fines

Parking in any of the above manners shall constitute illegal parking and the vehicle will be assessed a $15 fine (except #5 -in a Handicapped space- which will have a $100 fined assessed.) Fines and appeals are handled through the Director of Safety and Security, located in the Susan B. Anthony Building room A-123.

Appealing a Parking Ticket

Any dispute over parking tickets must be handled through an appeal process. Security Officers do not have the authority to "fix" a ticket. Appeal forms are available through, and must be filed at the Safety and Security Department in the Susan B. Anthony Building (A-123) within 14 days of issuance date on ticket. The original ticket must be submitted with the filed appeal. All appeals are reviewed by the College Parking Appeals Hearing Officer within 5 business days of appeal being submitted.

You may have the right to appeal this decision to the College Parking Appeals Hearing Officer within fourteen (14) days of the date of the ruling, in accordance with the college policies and procedures. Letters can be submitted or returned to the Safety and Security Department attention to the Parking Appeals Committee. After Fourteen Days the decision shall be final.

Failure to pay penalties or fines assessed for violations or as subsequent late payment penalties will result in notice to the Registry of Motor Vehicles and non-renewal of the subject vehicle's registration and owner's license to drive. College policies relative to outstanding financial obligations will also be enforced where applicable.