Edit Emergency Contact(s)

Emergency contacts are important in case we need to reach out to a family member or friend on your behalf. Here's instructions on how to edit or setup your emergency contact(s).

  1. Log into WebAdvisor. (See our full instructions on how to log in to WebAdvisor.)
  2. Click to select either the students or employees box depending on your group as shown in step 6 of the WebAdvisor login instructions.
  3. Within the User Account area in the upper left corner, click on Emergency Contact Information.
    screenshot of webadvisor menu
  4. Click on the button labeled + Add New Contact.
    screenshot of emergency contact screen
    1. If you are editing a contact then click on the Pencil icon below the contact. To remove a contact, click on the Trash Can icon.
      screenshot of contact edit and delete icons
  5. A new window will open, completely fill out all the fields, note that there may be a scroll down bar. When completely filled out click on the Add Contact button in the lower right.
  6. Review the information and click the Confirm button at the top of the screen once everything is verified to be correct.
    screenshot of emergency contact screen