Title IX

BCC students walking down the hallway

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Title IX

If you believe that you have been harassed or discriminated against based on your sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity; race, color, national origin; religion, creed; age; disability; or based on membership in any other class protected by law or by the College's Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy, you may file a complaint with the College. Likewise, you may file a complaint if you believe you have been retaliated against for reporting harassment or discrimination or for cooperating in an investigation concerning the same.

Reporting Resources

Persons who have experienced prohibited forms of sexual harassment may share information confidentially with designated employees ("Confidential Employees") who cannot reveal identifying information to any third party unless one or more of the following conditions is present:

  • The individual has provided written consent to disclose information;
  • There is a concern about imminent harm to self or others;
  • The information concerns the neglect or abuse of someone who is a minor, elderly, or disabled; or
  • An employee is responsible for providing non-identifiable information for purposes of the Clery Act.

Confidential Employees at Berkshire Community College are listed below:

Informal Resolutions

Any of the parties involved in a particular matter may request the intervention of the Title IX Coordinator to assist in resolving that matter informally. Likewise, where appropriate, the Title IX Coordinator may attempt to reach an informal and prompt resolution of an issue. An informal resolution is achieved through open or closed dialogue between the parties that allows for the airing of any misunderstandings or disputed issues. Parties reserve their right to withdraw from the informal resolution process and resume the Complaint process at any time. If the parties come to an informal resolution, its terms are reduced to writing and the matter is thereafter considered resolved. Please note, however, that this informal procedure shall not be used as a sole measure in cases involving sexual harassment or violence, or in cases involving student allegations of sexual harassment or violence of any type by an employee.

Formal Resolutions

Please use the Title IX Reporting Form to report a violation of the College's Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy (including claims of sexual violence).

Please use the Affirmative Action and Discrimination Complaint Form to report a violation of the College's Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy (other than sexual harassment and sexual violence claims).

Students may contact the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator to speak about options:

View the College's Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity

Title IX Training Information and Education

Contact Us

La Wanza Lett-Brewington, Title IX Coordinator, Affirmative Action Officer
Field Administration, Room 207
Mailing address:
1350 West St
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Celia Norcross, Dean of Students, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Susan B. Anthony, Room A-114
Mailing Address:
1350 West St
Pittsfield, MA 01201

Title IX Training Information and Education

  • Training and Education

    BCC Employee Training

    Employees are required to complete Title IX training to understand their roles and be able to support should the need arise. Employees with a duty to report, including department chairs, coaches and club advisors, receive annual training. The Coordinator and Deputy, along with the roles within the Title IX process, receive specific training to their work within the process. Training areas include: How to report, connecting to resources both on and off campus, procedure details and process steps.

    BCC empoloyees posing

    Students are also supported with information on how to report and what steps will be involved in the process. Information can be found in the Student Code of Conduct and Handbook and questions can be directed to our Dean of Students, Celia Norcross by email at cnorcross@berkshirecc.edu or by calling 413-236-1601.

    Title IX Trainings Attended by Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator and Administrators

    Note: All training materials can be inspected upon request directed to the attention of our Title IX Coordinator.

    Department of Higher Education (DHE) Hosted Title IX Training
    • Date: Oct. 24, 2023
    • Audience: Title IX Coordinators and immediate staff
    • Topic: In-depth report writing
    • Presenter: Jenn Davis
    • DHE hosted this special training: In-Depth Report Writing
    • This was an all-day, in-person training focused on in-depth Title IX report writing (and linking to interviews and hearing questions as we discussed the reports) in a tabletop/scenario-based format

    Training Material: Sexual Misconduct Investigations (PDF)

    Grand Rivers Solutions: Summary Session for Colleges and Universities, Vector LMS, Higher Education Edition
    • Date: Thursday, April 13, 2023, 10 a.m. Pacific/1 p.m. Eastern
    • Target audience: The Title IX team and Administrators or all employees
    • Topic(s): Live Special Summary Session on the New Title IX Athletics Proposed Rules
    • The summary session shared an article by Andrea Stagg and Joseph Storch with some analysis of the proposed rule

    Training Material: Summary Session Athletics Proposed Rules

    Vector LMS, Higher Education Edition

    Title IX Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees (Full Course) — Mandatory session for all faculty and staff. This course is not used as an advance training for Title IX Coordinators, investigators, or other team members.

    • Target Audience: All new faculty and staff
      • All new faculty and staff are required to complete the training within 30 days of the start date
    • Topics: "Why people commit sexual harassment, primary prevention methods, federal requirements, reporting obligations, trauma-informed response, and campus policies and resources"
    • "Informed faculty and staff are vital to the effective response to and prevention of sexual harassment on campus. This course is designed to provide essential knowledge on Title IX regulations so faculty/staff can assist students or colleagues when they reach out for help …" Visit Vector Solutions.

    Training Material: Title IX and Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees
    (Full Course) — Mandatory session for all faculty and staff Vector LMS, Higher Education Edition

    Informed faculty and staff are vital to the effective response to and prevention of sexual harassment on campus. This course is designed to provide essential knowledge on Title IX regulations so you can assist students or colleagues when they reach out for help and to give you background on recent laws to help guide your response.

    Topics covered include:

    • Why people commit sexual harassment;
    • Primary prevention methods;
    • Federal requirements;
    • Reporting obligations;
    • Trauma-informed response; and
    • Campus policies and resources.

    If you are interested in additional information or training options, please contact your supervisor or the Title IX Coordinator.

    Note: All of Vector Solutions' course materials are confidential and proprietary and are not publicly available. Contact Vector Solutions or the Title IX Coordinator for additional information.

    Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA)
    • Target audience: Title IX Coordinator, Deputy and Advisors
    • Topic: Roles and Responsibilities
      • July – December 2021 Coordinator One Course Material
        • Overview of Title IX Coordinator Responsibilities
        • History and Overview of Title IX
        • Extensive Review of Title IX Legal Standards
        • OCR and Title IX
        • Major OCR Guidance
        • Roles and Responsibilities
      • July – December 2021 Advisor Course Material
        • Right to Advisor and Advisor Roles in Title IX Proceedings
        • Know the Process
        • The Advisor's Role Pre-Hearing
        • The Advisor's Role at the Hearing
        • The Advisor's Role Post-Hearing
        • Title IX Team Expectations
        • When Things Don't Go According to Plan

    Training Material: Roles and Responsibilities

    Training Material: July – December 2021 Coordinator One Course Material

    Training Material: July – December 2021 Hearing Advisor Course Material

    Note from ATIXA: The materials posted to this site from ATIXA are proprietary and are copyrighted. Those copyrights are registered with the Library of Congress. The legal penalties for copyright infringement range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed, and the infringer pays for all attorneys' fees and court costs.

    Your right is a right of inspection and review of the materials on this site, only. No other right is granted beyond viewing. You are not authorized to copy, use, adapt, save, repost, share publicly, or alter any contents from this site. You are not permitted to use the materials on this site for training, or for any commercial purpose. Any such use will result in damages equivalent to the full-per-head registration costs to the applicable ATIXA training, plus damages for reputational harm to ATIXA, in addition to any copyright infringement fines and/or penalties.

    Proceeding to use and access the content on this page demonstrates your acceptance and understanding of these terms and conditions. To contact ATIXA with questions about any of the contents of this site, please email events@atixa.org.

    Introduction to Fair, Thorough, and Trauma-informed Sexual Violence Investigations

    Facilitator: Subject Matter Expert, Chantelle Cleary Botticelli

    • Target audience: Investigators and Decision-makers
    • Topic: Introduction to Fair, Thorough, and Trauma-informed Sexual Violence Investigations

    Training Material: Trauma-informed Sexual Violence Investigations (PDF)

    New Title IX Regulations – DRAFT Amendments to the PAA Process

    Evan C. Bjorklund, Associate General Counsel

    • Date: Aug. 5, 2020
    • Target audience: The Title IX team and Administrators

    Training Material: New Title IX Regulations – DRAFT Amendments to the PAA Process (PDF)

    Title IX Training

    Facilitator: Dan Schorr, LLC

    • Date: Sept. 17, 2020
    • Target audience: The Title IX Team and Administrators
    • Topic(s): Title IX Overview

    Training Material: Dan Schorr, LLC - Title IX Training - MACC 09.17.20 (PDF)

    Title IX Hearings Training

    Facilitator: Dan Schorr, LLC

    • Date: Nov. 10, 2020
    • Target audience: The Title IX Team and Administrators
    • Topic(s): Title IX Hearing Process

    Training Material: Dan Schorr, LLC Title IX Hearings Training MACC 11.10.20 (PDF)

    Community Partnerships, Presentations and Workshops Relating to Title IX
    • Healthy Relationship Speakers (semesterly)
    • Minding your Mind Workshops (semesterly)
    • Human Resource Workshops (semesterly)
    • Trauma Informed (semesterly)
    • Drop in Talk in Sessions (monthly)
    • Students for Recovery Lounge (open year round)
    • Personal Counseling for Students (open year round)
    • Bias Reporting and Behaviors (on going)
    Additional Support Resources Connected to Our Campus
    • Wellness Community Fairs (semesterly)
    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Benefits for Faculty and Staff
    • Lisa Mattila, Personal Counseling, 413-236-1609 or visit Personal Counseling
    • Celia Norcross, Dean of Students, 413-236-1601, cnorcross@berkshirecc.edu
    • Elizabeth Freeman Center
      • 24 hour toll-free Hotline: 866-401-2425
      • Emergency services including safe phones, food, transportation and shelter
      • Safety planning what to do in case of emergency for whether you stay in or leave your home
      • Specialized support for immigrant, LGBTQ, and child survivors
    Massachusetts and National Sexual Violence and Assault Prevention Resources
    • Jane Doe Inc.
      The Massachusetts Coalition against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, Jane Doe Inc., brings together organizations and people committed to ending all violence against women.
    • Prevent Connect
      Prevention Connection is a national on-line project dedicated to the primary prevention of violence against women.
    • National Sexual Assault Hotline
      A service of RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network), the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. Confidential 24/7 Support, 800-656-4673. Chat online.
    • The Network/La Red
      Provides confidential emotional support, information, referrals, safety planning, and crisis intervention for LGBQ/T+ survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

    Note: For any person with concerns in affording transportation to a medical facility for examination, please contact a designated Confidential Resource Provider.