- Criminal Justice
- Elena Dichiara is a psychology and criminal justice major who transferred to BCC from the Community College of Rhode Island. Life in Providence, RI had become tough with bills piling up, wages stagnant, and gun violence on the rise. With two young children in tow, she and her children ended up in a homeless shelter. The family car broke down forcing her husband out of work, which ultimately led to a loss of childcare funding. She and her husband decided it was time for a bold move. They packed up and settled in Williamstown, MA for its reputable public schools and safe atmosphere.

- Nursing
- “If you’re unsure of your future plans for a career or for college, there is no need to go into massive amounts of debt to pay for school,” Marybelle advises. “Community college is the perfect place to find inspiration or just to learn for the sake of learning.”

- Practical Nursing
- When Danielle Harriott received an email announcing she had been selected as BCC's honoree for the Commonwealth's 29 Who Shine program, she was "shocked and surprised. It's not something I'm used to," she says. But for Amanda Davis, Adjunct Nursing Faculty who mentors Danielle and nominated her, it was an easy choice.

- Early Childhood Education
- Denise Foss is the 2020 Berkshire Community College Valedictorian, having earned a 3.99 GPA overall and a 4.0 GPA for her classes while she was a part of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) cohort at the College. She will give her remarks to her fellow 200+ graduates via a recorded video - as the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the regular operations of the College - and has moved the 60th Commencement ceremony into a virtual ceremony, supported by Pittsfield Community Television.

- Human Services
- Alicia Starsja, by all accounts, is a super star student. She started out at BCC in 2016 with a mindset that she wasn't really going to be able to succeed at college. Alicia is legally blind, having been born with Aniridia - which means the iris in the eye doesn't develop. However, Alicia was encouraged and empowered to give BCC a shot.